647-969-7050 [email protected]

TorontoWeddingPhotographer 0462

Sarah and Anand are a) gorgeous but also b) super trusting and fun-loving and just were ready to have a good time. We were able to spend a whileย on their portraits – gallivanting around Burlington’s Royal Botannical Gardens and the late October/rainy moody day made for amazing photo opportunities everywhere we looked. This fall was very warm so those insanely beautiful roses were still in bloom, but then we’d turn around and the bright fall oranges blew our socks off too. Seriously those portraits of Anand in front of the amazing leaves? Yaaaaap!

This smartie-pants couple knew that the odds were good that the weather might not cooperate and booked inside the greenhouses at the Royal Botanical Gardens too. Luckily the weather was suuuper gorgeous but that meant we had more places to play.

They had a fairly long ceremony but we made our way to portraits right after and I think it was just what they needed to decompress and talk about their mornings, kind of my favourite part of photo sessions on a wedding day is that it allows the couple to chat and actually BE together on their day – plus we get the capture all of that excitement and energy too ๐Ÿ™‚

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